Childcare Policies

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After School Policies and Procedures


These policies have been developed with reference to: 

The Child Care Act 1991 (Early Years Services) (Registration of School Aged Services) Regulations 2018 

SI 196/2022 – Childcare Act 1991 (Early Years Services) (Registration of School Age Services (Amendment) Regulations 2022 


Roles and Responsibilities Regarding Policies: 

Relevant staff have a clear understanding of their roles and responsibilities in relation to developing, approving, distributing, and reviewing policies. 

Staff in the After School Service of School Kids Aloud Pelletstown are not “mandated persons” within the meaning of The Children First Act (2017) and The Children First Act 2015 (“the Acts”). 

To this end School Kids Aloud Pelletstown follows the principles of the role of the mandated person as defined within the Acts and obligates its After School staff to uphold such principles. 

Accordingly, reference to “mandated person” or “mandated persons” in these Policies and Procedures within the meaning of The Children First Act (2017) and The Children First Act 2015 (“the Acts”) denotes  Members of the Board of Management, Committee Members, After School staff, students, of School Kids Aloud Pelletstown. 

For the purposes of clarification, the Service’s Designated Liaison Officer(s) and Deputy Designated Liaison Officer(s) in School Kids Aloud Pelletstown are at all times mandated persons within the meaning of The Children First Act (2017) and The Children First Act 2015 (“the Acts”).